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Loss Representation

Your home is one of the largest investments of your life. When a loss occurs, it places you and your family in an unpredictable situation. Most homeowners are not clear on what their policy covers, or how to recover payment after suffering a loss. The insurance company will commonly send a representative adjuster to offer you payment for your damages.

At Hurry-Claim Public Adjusters LLC, we are committed to representing the homeowner with any type of property damage claim. It is our duty to protect the interest of the consumer during every step of the claims process.

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Loss Representation

Serving as the Public Adjuster we are devoted to defending the best interest of the Policy Holder during the entire process of the insurance claim. At Hurry-Claim Public Adjusters we represent any business with any type of property damage claim. This includes but is not limited to Condominium Associations, Shopping Plazas, Apartment Buildings, Commercial Warehouses, and more.

Commercial property loss is unlike a residential loss, mainly due to the time value of money. Many businesses have operations that are interrupted due to a loss. It is important to have a licensed professional review all coverages to make sure all benefits under the policy are understood and recovered.

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Types of Claims

Fire Damage


Fire Damage

An accidental fire can be a traumatic experience for any home or business owner, it can also be the most costly. Hurry-Claim Public Adjusters prepares structural damage estimates and personal property inventory specifically for the policyholder to properly document their fire loss.

Water Damage


Water Damage

Water Damage incidents can happen at any time, in various locations in the home or business. Water can negatively affect building materials inside the property. For instance, wood flooring or cabinets can warp when exposed to moisture or humidity.




Mold is highly limited under most insurance policies. For the greatest recovery, it is crucial to have the insurance claim handled by a licensed professional. Mold is an issue that can get complicated extremely fast because it usually grows out of sight, where the home or business owner is unaware that there is a problem.




Theft occurs on a daily basis and is generally related to vandalism that takes place simultaneously. The first call you must make is to the authorities to document the incident. Second call should be to your Public Adjuster for proper processing of your claim.




Vandalism is defined as an action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property. Authorities must be contacted immediately to document a date and time of the incident. Should a vandal damage the home or business in the process of stealing personal property, hiring personal representation will remove the burden of having to deal with the insurance carrier during such a difficult time.

Denied Claims


Denied Claims

Denied claims are unfortunately all too common. As if suffering a property damage loss was not enough to deal with, adding insult to injury is when a policy holder is confronted with a denial of their claim. Hurry Claim Public Adjusters will help navigate through this difficult time and help correct the insurance company’s wrongful coverage decisions.

Underpaid Claims


Underpaid Claims

Under Paid Claims can be reopened up to 5 years after the date of loss for daily claims, and up to 2 years for wind or hurricane claims. At no obligation Hurry Claim Public Adjusters will review your underpaid claim, and supplement the claim if possible. We are only compensated on any supplemental payment we are able to obtain for our clients.

Wind Damage


Wind Damage

Wind Damage can be caused by a hurricane, tornado or a severe thunderstorm. The property damage commonly occurs to the exterior roof of the home or business which can also ensue water damage to the interior of the property.

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